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Abu-Ghazaleh Received Delegation from Global Challenges Forum Foundation

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HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), received in his office a delegation from the Global Challenges Forum Foundation (GCF), represented by its President, Dr. Walter Christman, GCF Vice President, Mr. Reyad Atwani, and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Beatrice Bressan in addition to a number of GFC members.

During the meeting, the two parties discussed the global partnership project, in addition to the Forum’s initiatives. The Forum, that Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh had established ten years ago, launches fresh initiatives annually on the “International Day for Tolerance”; designated by the United Nations on November 16 every year.

The two sides agreed to launch a new initiative this year entitled “Global Resilience Consortium” that aims at building global resilience through tolerance and youth empowerment. The new initiative will be launched during a conference to be virtually held with the participation of elite global leaders through the website www.USChinaTolerance.com

Last year, on the International Day for Tolerance, the Forum launched an initiative where Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh issued “Open Letters to America and China from a Friend” proposing a global partnership based upon the legacy of the 19th Century Statesman Mr. Anson Burlingame.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh further stated that this year’s initiative would be a follow-up on last year’s efforts to consolidate the values of tolerance among nations. He pointing out that such values need global resilience supported by the creation of models to empower the youth of today to lead future sustainable development, thus, they would become an active component of the global partnership initiative. “These are principles upon which all people of goodwill agree on to achieve a better world,” he said.

During the meeting, a number of success stories for youth emerging from suffering were reviewed, and the need to support youth projects and to invest in development and building capacities was emphasized.

It should be noted that Dr. Walter Christman is a pioneer in the global adoption of new cooperative ventures, and the coordinator of the Virtual Global Partnership Summit, and the President of the Burlingame Foundation.

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