مبادرات مسؤولة

Abu-Ghazaleh: Our Agreement with Singapore-based ‘CASUGOL’ Falls in Line with our Digital Expansion Plans

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The Arab International Society for Management Technology (AIMICT), chaired by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, signed a strategic agreement with the international Singapore-based company ‘CASUGOL’, a leading certification provider that offers a wide range of professional certification programs in digital transformation and emerging technologies designed for all industries and sectors.

“We are delighted to partner with CASUGOL and have the ability to offer a wide range of programs and certificates to our members” Ms. Majd Farahat commented on the occasion adding that, “AIMICT Executive Director said HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh has always been a great supporter of training in digital technology areas as a means to produce ‘knowledge workers’ armed with the latest skills.”

“We will introduce our members to the best programs offered by CASUGOL’s team of experts which is considered one of the leading training providers for years,” Farahat stated.

She added, “With CASUGOL’s assistance and support we will be able to provide training opportunities as well as the required skills and certificates to those who wish to find employment opportunities in the global digital economy areas including 5G, Digital Transformation, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, the Internet of Things and Python Programming.”

For his part, CASUGOL Founder and CEO, Mr. Dwayne Ong, said, “We are excited about working with a prestigious institution such as AIMICT. In the IT industry, the IT certification is a key factor when it comes to hiring, promotion and wages. Employers prefer to hire certified IT staff because they would have a greater ability to understand new and complex technologies, and are considered more productive and problem solvers than others at the workplace. We are pleased to team with AIMICT for the delivery of our cutting-edge courses and look forward to making this partnership a huge success”.

The Arab International Society for Management Technology (AIMICT) was established as a non-profit organization in 1989, in Buffalo-New York City, in the United States of America, and it was officially registered in Amman in 1990 under the name of “Arab Management Society”. Managers and businessmen have realized the importance and consequences of their role in serving business communities in their countries. Thus the idea of establishing such a society emerged into existence. In 2015, the name of the organization was amended into “The Arab International Society for Management Technology” (AIMICT), to keep pace with modern global technological developments in various sectors and to help establish and create a knowledge-based management.

CASUGOL is an international certification body based in Singapore, offering a wide range of professional and certification training designed and reviewed by International Advisory Committee (IAC) members made up of subject matter industry experts across the world. Programs are currently offered in 38 countries and based on the latest and future trend and industry demand. Up till now, over 9,500 participants around the world have received training and certified through CASUGOL. The strategic partnership with AIMICT falls in line with CASUGOL’s founding principles in making knowledge and education accessible to everyone.

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